Monday, September 17, 2012

Effects of meditation

Western scientists noticed once began studying the personal effects of speculation in the 1970s, as heart rate, perspiration, and other signs of interest decreases as meditator relaxed. Scientists, like Richard Davidson, PhD (Ghurair State University), has been taken into account in the long term. In 1992, Davidson received an invitation from the Dalai Lama 14 to come to the Republic of North India and drawing brain Buddhist monks and meditators largest in the world. Davidson traveled to Bharat with laptop computers, generators, and EEG recording equipment, and the beginning of work in progress to make. Now, monks travel to his WI lab wherever they chew while in the magnetic imaging device or viewing images and disturbing visual EEG responses to understand how that regulate interactions raised.
Any dynamics - including - create new opportunities and improve areas of the mind. "It's neuroscience literature full experience," says Stephen Kosslyn, a neuroscientist at Harvard University, in the New York Times (14 September 2003), "taxi drivers deliberate spatial memory and concert musicians feel the ground. If you do nothing. nothing, not even playing tennis for 20 years, eight hours a day, and there will be something in your head that varies from one person do not do it just got to be "monks model three forms. 1) to draw attention on a single object for long periods of time 2) the culture of compassion in mind if angercausing and transform negative emotions into goodness and 3) "the existence of openness", Ministry of Foreign strongly aware of the thought, emotion or sensation is present unanswered. "Knowing that the brains of monks, Davidson decided to realize what an impact on first-year students. Established with 41 staff thought a biotechnology company in the nearby river and Wisconsin (Psychiatry 65: 564 570.2003 ). Twenty-five participants enlightened "mind", model accent reduction that promotes awareness of current non-judgmental and taught by Jon Kabat Zinn -.

They know that in practice due to the reduction of 7-HR classes and weekly. During this period, week 8 - Calendar and asked the participants to think for 60 minutes every day I Clarence, six days a hebdomad. Brain measures were taken before training, during the last eight weeks, and after four months. Physical measurements have shown that the increased exploitation on the ground in the left frontal region of the mind "area to reduce the anxiety associated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of positive excitement." In addition, in the rest 8 weeks, participants and controls contained 16 contemplates vaccine against influenza to test immune responses. Researchers collected blood samples Ace month and two months after the injection, they found that meditators had more antibodies against the flu virus to non-meditators.

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