Monday, September 17, 2012

Cultivation of a positive spirit, through meditation

You can create your state of mind. Whether it is positive or negative attitude is up to you. The ability to change your environment, circle of friends, and attitude, is within your control.
As computer absorbs raw data, so I do not mind. In your mind a culture, within itself, has grown. Many people feel they do not have control over their own mind, because this culture has become negative. Is a result of the negative experiences of the past, and being in a negative environment, or be under the influence of non-constructive ideas.

Similar to a computer virus, you must identify it quickly spread to avoid leaving your mind. You can also transfer the virus from negative thinking to the people around you. According to spread all over you negative energy, such as "weeds in a field."

Just as a farmer, you can grow as well. Energy in your mind is the culture, and it is up to you, whether against weeds or wheat. If you have a farm and allow the same care field, you'll have the opportunity to have any kind of crops there.
It is the same with energy in mind.

You have the option of choosing quality seeds: Information, in the form of books, books, DVDs and CDs, lectures, courses, workshops and seminars. This is learning for self-improvement, and it leads to a positive state of mind.

However, is not finished your work, it still must reinforce lessons, and keep everything in order centered. This can be compared to fertilization, irrigation, and "weeding the mind." You have to work permanently or herbs to grow. That, my friend, is meditation, and one of the reasons why we meditate in the first place.

Believes meditation is controlled focus on an object, or a task without the existence of the rule.
This process allows you to watch all cases objectively. You can find solutions, turn negative situations into positive learning experiences, and create your mindset positive. As a result, you will make new friends, and goals, and problems to deal easily accessible, and the development of indomitable spirit.

Remember the last time you made an accomplishment. This feeling, and the ability of each and every one of us. There is a formula for success, but action must be taken. Work is something that most people never will.

Learn how to separate yourself from the "package" through meditation, education and employment.

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