Saturday, August 18, 2012

Binaural beats

Improve your mind with headphones only!
Binaural beats are unique sounds recorded so that they can re-adjust the frequencies of brainwaves of the listener automatically. Using a technique called brain entrainment technology, and can binaural beats to change the physical condition and mental health of the listener.

The analysis showed that some brain waves, such as deep relaxation, are ideal for learning and retaining new information while Delta Brainwave States eased promote sleep health. Even an adaptation of binaural beats tapes, CDs and files to MP3, and this was the only way to bring about unintended changes in brainwave patterns with your deep meditation. For thousands of years and this type of meditation possible for practitioners of meditation with over 20 years of experience, such as a Zen Buddhist monks.

However, using binaural beats, it became possible for one to get into this kind of meditative states in minutes using good headphones and recorded by the recording beats Binuaral specially designed.

Although the flag consists of training the brain is a bit complex to explore the basic principle is easy to understand. Was discovered binaural beats by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, and, when he was a professor at the University of Assosiate in Berlin. Professor Dove discovered that when he made two similar sounds, which differ only slightly in frequency, separately to the left and right ears (ears) can lead to a pulse or beat type effect occurs in the brain.

Was in the 70s when Scientific American published a research paper by Dr. Gerald Oster called "victory in the auditory brain." This document shows how Dr. Oster and Professor Dove discovered through research and found that using these binaural beats, it could lead to brain processes the internal auditor on the pace set by the binaural beats. When this happens on the brainwaves of the listener and began to resonate with the same frequency binaural beats. Oster found that the use of this technology, and was able to change brainwave frequencies to the listener, and make a conscious mental states.

For the average person might just be the scientific discovery that lnothing relationship with the reality of life and daily routine of our lives if there were not that everything you do in life has a brain wave pattern of the interview. In most cases the effects you want to create bycorrespond be affected if your brain waves are at the moment. Things you do have a dominant frequency associated with each one. When I was in a state of deep relaxation during sleep the brain has a specific frequency associated with certain patterns, such as theta waves. When involving the physical condition where you are in a state of alert and your brain in the intensive concentarting beta or gamma, and patterns of the same frequency. When you enter a relaxed state also focused watching TV, or imagine under the influence of hypnosis, you are in alpha state. It is also a known case of most forms of meditation. However, men and women may experience with one year of meditation, Zen Buddhist monks, and enter the Theta Delta States, while remaining fully aware. These countries may be, and usually take from his life to be achieved through meditation pratcising will be invited in a matter of minutes using binaural beats.

"All this sounds good," I say to you, but how it affects the data? It is possible to induce meditative states at will by using binaural beats? This is relevant for you and me? The answer to this question, it is best to look at the benefits of meditation.
Some of the benefits of meditation include the following:

1. Deep relaxation.
2. Deeper and more comfortable sleep activation.
3. Higher levels of creativity.
4. At a slower rate of aging.
5. The release of negative psychological distress years.
6. To relieve the pressure.
7. Increase physical energy.
8. Attention and concentration.
9. Gained a better retention of information.
10. Faster recovery time after surgery.

This list is just a small sample of the benefits of meditation, and this list is certainly not great.

Therefore it is clear that the benefits of a technology that can stimulate the brain states that correspond to the desired beneficial changes in the body and the mind is very useful. Very blessed to live in an age where we have access to various forms of this technology from Holosync entrainment and the brain, designed to improve the greater self, all recordings binaural beat designed to create reports and must be in the mind and body.

Experiments on binaural beats and effects indicates that this technology works, and can be used very successfully by anyone. I listed a few resources I found for your interest.

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