Saturday, August 18, 2012

Binaural beats - the Holy Grail of self-improvement

This article is designed to give you an overview of the relatively new technology of binaural beats. Binaural beats and the specific frequencies can you bring in a state of deep meditation deep in a matter of minutes using the latest innovations in sound technology. They take advantage of some mixing technique to alter the brain wave activity of the listener. It can by sitting or lying in a quiet environment and wearing headphones can be used to create these strikes alpha, theta and delta brainwave patterns.
When brainwave patterns change has been documented that there is also a change in chemical reactions in the body that can have a profound impact on the physical structure of your whole. In fact, these strikes have the same impact and benefits of deep meditative state akin to Rapture hypnologic or transcendental mediation. Now it is possible that very few people go into deep states such as hypnosis and transcendental meditation takes a lifetime to perfect. Therefore, the benefits of using binaural beats direct and clear.

An additional advantage of using this technology is that the U.S. creates allows you to access certain parts of the subconscious mind. Parties who are without conscience, just below the threshold of awareness. You can use binaural beats with many other tools for self-improvement (such as subliminal recordings, affirmations or visualization, etc.) to increase personal development largely because they create states of relaxation deep and can put you into the alpha and theta states. It can therefore be used as a catalyst for change beliefs, heal emotional issues or behavioral changes. They can even be used for quick energy boost. She believes that using binaural beats, you can:

1. States in the development of deep meditation.

2. Increase intelligence and creativity.

3. Slow aging.

4. Create remarkable emotional changes at the deepest.

5. The elimination of stress and anxiety.

Beauty binaural beats that can be used to carry these states and the creation of such changes without any effort on the part of the listener. I wore just a set of headphones, allowing its technology to the rest.

It is accredited to the discovery of technology is often the ears of Dr. Gerald Oster. Oster published research on binaural beats in 1973 in the American flag after he had conducted extensive studies.

However, it is not as good as we know, binaural beats, where she discovers for the first time, in fact, in 1839 by Associate Professor at the University of Berlin, Heinrich Wilhelm Dove called. Dov accidentally discovered that when given two votes of similar, only a small frequency shift, regardless of the left and right ear palpitations that cause or effect of pulse type in the brain.

However, Dr. Oster, which revealed all the advantages of using this new technology when he discovered that the effects of binaural beats have on the body and mind.

There are many producers of binaural beat technology to be competitive on the market today. You can create your own with the appropriate program. However, in-depth knowledge of brainwave patterns and their impact on the body and mind is recommended before trying forever to create your own. There are many threads of the forum on the internet that claim binaural beats have had a negative effect or even detrimental to a particular audience. That is why I think it's safer to stick records prefabricated and tested that are available for a reasonable price. You can separately purchase binaural beat recordings to induce almost any emotional state or you can enroll on a program of binaural beats for self improvement that takes several years to complete.

I myself, and have no experience of all adverse reactions following the use of binaural beats. However, if you use binaural beats for personal development can be used to be uncomfortable. It was all my experiences are very positive, but not always pleasant. Let me explain.

ECC machines have been used in the past to monitor the brain activity of meditaters long life. While in a deep meditative state, and these experts reflection, Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwave patterns. These are the same states that create binaural beats.

Alpha wave patterns occur in the brain in a relaxed state, during which time we are sensitive to suggestion. It is the state that you enter during hypnosis. Theta brain waves can absorb massive amounts of information while Delta brainwaves are most visible when entering into a state of deep sleep, but dreams. It is the mandate of the Delta, this is the main objective of practices such as Transcendental Meditation. Although many of the entry of Delta State, while it may be fully aware of the very relaxed, mostly, it is not, because it is through the activity of the brain such that internal change is happening.

By the auditor in this state of deep meditation, ears and technology, can make significant positive changes in your mental, emotional and physical makeup. Now this can be an experience of life has changed dramatically. And you will find in the memories of the past buried up to the surface, beating the brain to guide the restructuring of the neural network and raise the level of "fun" to your new level. After hearing more you are less stressed by your reaction to situations, as in the past, he sent a tour of the halls screaming, much more composed. Technology literally eliminates negative emotional patterns, the mental and physical health. Discomfort I mentioned earlier comes from the restructuring of the neural network of the brain that are managed as old buried uncomfortable memories in the brain before it can be linked to the elimination of emotional reaction on. You are still left with the memory of this event, but you no longer have any emotional attachment to it. Do not worry, for some reason it does not affect the positive memories! Perhaps because of the natural state of mind and body, this system of body / mind always seeks balance and harmony, which tends to produce feelings of joy and happiness.

Binaural beats are a technology that can be shown to create changes in brain waves that alter mood and alter chemical reactions in the body to speed healing and promote harmonious interaction between cells. However, there is currently research conducted to determine if these strikes can be directed to the brain is re-encoding DNA. If possible, the possibilities are almost limitless - decrease of the disease, genetic disorders, and therefore a reflection of aging

If personal development and self-improvement is not the main objective to study the binaural beats (and do not want to get the younger), and recordings, and one designed to carry a specific mind / body changes are not enough. You can get the recordings to get an energy boost, and meditation, to stir the creative fields of the brain, induce deep sleep, and even those who can act as a digital drug!

All these changes occur smoothly and easily. All you need is a pair of stereo headphones and a comfortable chair. Recording does the rest.

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